当前位置: - 首页 - 客户验厂 - Auchan验厂


作者: 浏览次数: 日期:2018-8-24 15:31:32

Social Assessment – 社会评估所需列表
1) Factory Recruitment Policy –工厂相关招工政策
2) Labor contacts & Personal File with ID copy for all employers (permanent and temporal) -工厂现有员工(包括合同工和临时工)的劳动合同&附身份证复印件的个人档案
3) Attendance Record (Working - hoursOvertimeday off) Punch card electric record or manual
record -所有员工的出勤记录(需包含工作时间、加班时间、休假记录等):电子考勤或手工考勤
4) Salary payment record & Payrolls – 薪水发放记录&薪水册
5) Factory Social Insurance Policy and Insurance Payment record -工厂社保政策及相关的缴款记录
6) Governments license or certificate –营业执照或相关证书
7) Overtime authorization from Local Labor Bureau – 当地政府允许的加班政策或综合工时的批文
8) Electricianother specialist operator License -电工或其他特殊工种的上岗资格证书
9) Lift safety certificate -电梯安全营运证
10) Fire hydrant or extinguisher inspection certificate -消防栓、灭火器的定时检测证明
11) Building safety certificate (Production room, office, dormitory, canteen) – 厂房、办公楼、宿舍、餐厅的安全验收许可
12) First aid person training certificate -急救人员培训合格证
During Social Assessment, Auchan will apply Chinese Local Regulation
3. Environmental Assessment – 估所需列表
1) EIA Environmental impact assessment EIA. – 环境影响评估
2) Operational procedures records (utility, inventory, monitoring, permits and licenses, calibration, transportation, training, etc.) – 营业相关记录(效用、库存、监控、许可和执照、校准、运输、培训等)
3) Previous audit reports and government inspections records. – 以往审核报告和政府观察记录
4) Overall environmental management. - 整体环境管理
5) Procurement policy. - 采购政策
6) Energy management. – 能源管理
7) Materials management. - 物料管理
8) Water and wastewater management. - 水和废水管理
9) Waste management. - 废物管理 
10) Noise monitoring and control. - 噪音监控和控制
11) Air quality monitoring and control. - 空气质量监控和控制
12) Emergency response procedures. - 紧急应变程序

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