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作者: 浏览次数: 日期:2018-8-24 15:30:56

Quality Audit -工厂评估所需文件清单
1) Copy of Certification Document for ISO9001  QS9000 (if it is certified or in the process of being) - ISO 9001  QS 9000 认证证书
2) Organization Chart and Job Description (this document must be provided to QA of Auchan while visiting your factory) – 组织人事结构图表(此份文件请务必在参观工厂前交于欧尚质量员)
3) Manufacturing Process Flowing Chart (this document must be provided to QA of Auchan while visiting your factory) - 生产工艺流程图(此份文件请务必在参观工厂前交于欧尚质量员)
4) Quality Handbook and Procedure Document –质量手册和程序文件
5) Purchasing Contract or List for All Raw Material or All Accessories –原辅材料采购合同或采购单
6) Testing Report or Conformity Certificate for Critical Components –关键原料的测试报告
7) List of All suppliers or Sub-contractors and Relevant Factory Audit Report - 所有供应商和外协厂名单及相关审核文件
8) Manufacturing Task List for Each Order -生产任务制造(指令)单
9) Operation Recommendation Book or Instruction for Each Process - 每道工序的操作指导书或优劣标准
10) Records of All Training for Each OperatorWorker and QC –操作工人和检验员的培训记录
11) Preventive Program for Non-Value-Added Routines –对可能出现情况的预防措施
12) The InspectionTest Standard Involved with Each Process - 各道工序的检验标准
13) All Records of Control and Test Involved with Incoming Inspection, TourProcess - Inspection, Final Inspection and Random Inspection -所有检验(包括进料检验,工序检验,最终检验和出货检验)的记录
14) Example of All Technical Data Sheets for One Specification -例举一种规格的所有技术资料
15) Treatment Actions Focusing to Customer’s Complain and Claim -针对顾客反馈的应对措施-
16) The Relative Investigations and Corrective Actions for Non-Conformity Products -针对不合格产品及其原因的调查及纠正措施
17) List of All Equipment for Manufacturing and Testing -设备名录及生产能力
18) Records of Calibration and Maintenance for All Equipment or Instrument -各类设备的校验和维护记录

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